TripSaver® II Cutout-Mounted Recloser

Save money. Increase reliability.

TripSaver® II Cutout-Mounted Recloser

Save money. Increase reliability.

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Pounds of CO2 Emissions TripSaver II Reclosers Prevented This Year


*Calculated based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator and utility-reported statistics for S&C’s TripSaver II recloser

Every truck roll costs several hundred dollars in fuel and wages. But there is also an environmental cost.

Discover how a Brazilian and British utility used the TripSaver II recloser to reduce their carbon footprint, create a more reliable and resilient system, and trim operations and maintenance (O&M) costs.

To receive a TripSaver II recloser consultation, please complete this form:

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